Friday, January 25, 2008

Confirmation of yesterdays question

Okay. For quite a while now, I have encountered students that I teach (yes even graduate level students) who weren’t even born when I graduated High School. I try to live with that. Growing older is natural, right? Along with age come experience, perspective, and hopefully wisdom right? So I usually don’t dwell on it, but apparently this week, musical memories are my downfall, witness yesterdays U23D post.

Last night Mrs Bob noticed that Billy Joel was coming to town sometime soon. I lost interest in Billy Joel’s music right after the 52nd Street album. Really...”We didn’t start the Fire?” What the %*&! was that? She knows this, and was just tweaking me to see if I was interested in going. But I digress.

After Mrs Bob poked the bear, I started to respond “The last time I saw Billy Joel in concert…” and then my mind quickly not only filled in the blank (1978), but also did the math (just short of 30 years ago). OH MY GOD, and I thought the last time I saw U2 (The War tour) was a long time ago.

Well, I can comfort myself with the fact that while it says something about my age, it says even more about Billy Joel’s age. He was 29 when I saw The Stranger tour in 1978. You do the math.

I am glad I still feel young inside, even though I keep being reminded that I have a longer history of experience than I feel someone my age should.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Am I old, or just a geek?

So I heard this article on NPR yesterday about the new movie U23D. I was captivated by the review, and was instantly eager to see it. There are two things that really grabbed my interest. One: The Music of U2 in a well filmed concert movie. Two: a well done 3-D movie with content aimed at an audience above their teens.

So does this mean that I am old, because I really like U2? Or are younger hipper (as if that's really a word with any contemporary relevance) people interested in U2 these days also. Hmmm. I feel old, just asking that question.

Alternatively, it could just mean that I am a geek. The idea of 3-D movies has always been interesting to me for some inexplicable reason. I even liked the "It's a bugs life" show at Disneyland (or was it California Adventure...whatever), because of its 3-D effects, cheesy as some of them were. Guilty pleasure I guess.

Maybe I am both, if I have to wonder. Oh well. I guess one simply has to embrace what one is. So, if I am an old geek, I am an old geek. But I still want to see U23D. Now I just have to find a local IMAX, and no the science center doesn’t count. That is an OmniMAX theatre, and in my option, IMAX movies are very hard to watch there.